This Comfort Colors t-shirt is super comfy! I wear mine ALL THE TIME! The color is a distressed black and fits with a unisex style. It's long-sleeved and 100% cotton. This is one of those shirts I NEED TO WEAR because of the message. "He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved." Psalm 62:6
Sizes are limited so order soon! If there is a demand, we will re-order.
The Long Sleeved Comfort Colors T-shirt is far and away, one of our most popular items. People can't seem to get enough of it.
The team was wonderful to work with and my wife loves the fit of the shirt and the verse on the back! I will be ordering more items in the future. I also be ought the Can You See Me Now book. She is enjoying the insight within the book.